Assessing Academic and Career Goals The first step in starting a college plan is for students to assess their academic and career goals. Students explore questions such as what is the career path …
How to Apply for Scholarships for College
Where To Apply for College Scholarships Life is busy already with school and college applications so why take the time to apply for scholarships and how do you go about it? As noted by Federal …
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How Many Colleges Should I Apply To?
What Are The First Steps in Deciding How Many Colleges to Apply To? Your college list is made. You have sorted colleges by selectivity to identify reach, target, and safety schools, keeping in mind …
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Navigating the Transition Back to School
The abrupt transition to online schooling left many students feeling stressed, anxious, and in distress as they were forced to abandon familiar learning environments for a new normal of virtual …
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Road to College: Executive Functioning Skills for All
Originally published by the author in the Road to College series On the road to college, organization is paramount. Throughout a student’s academic career, organizing school …
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How Purpose & Motivation Facilitate Student Success: Start with “Why?”
Today’s students are so often focused on the “what.” What classes will they take next year? What experiences will they seek out over the summer? What colleges will they apply to, and what major or …
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