In 3rd grade, your child is starting to establish their habits surrounding studying and time management. We help by focusing on the core of what matters and building out from there, holistically to help them become adaptable and proactive in their learning. By intervening now, we can avoid content or learning gaps that may otherwise present themselves in middle school or high school.
We show families how to establish a healthy Essential Eight™, i.e. a healthy routine and fundamental study skills to set a strong academic foundation. We help families utilize whatever state or district-level assessments that are employed, such as NWEA, to recommend enrichment activities to support your child’s growth throughout the year. Our program is well suited for all students but of particular benefit to students who have been or may soon be going through a neuropsychological evaluation.
Before you hire a tutor or if you are feeling uncertain about your child’s future, contact us for a consultation as we are expertly prepared to give you advice with no obligation.