These quick college planning facts will help you make the most of your child’s college planning path.
Did you know that…
8th grade courses impact your 12th grade college list?
Surprising, but true. The math and English courses your child chooses in 8th grade puts them on a track that shapes courses they will take in 11th and 12th grade — and therefore the colleges for which they are competitive. Does this mean college planning begins in 8th grade? No, but this phenomenon suggests that being a parent of a student means, 1-2 times per year, factoring in longer-term thinking. But, just because you will learn that the “clock” does not start as late as 11th grade, early planning does not mean you are entering a race.
Student stress does not come from grades alone?
From over a decade of our research, we have found student stress originates more from study inefficiency or ineffectiveness of habits as well as social challenges more than course rigor and reasonable academic accountability — contact us to address the cause of the symptom.
SAT/ACT prep starts with a focus on middle school grades?
Grades in 7th and 8th grade into 10th grade are highly predictive of future SAT and ACT scores. Optimizing academic success earlier builds a more resilient future.
A college major must be defensible?
Choosing a major is not choosing what your child will do the rest of their life. Major selection is a balance of interest, talent and skill — merge these three concepts toward a great, positive impact. Whether purposefully cultivating broad interests or narrowing toward particular interests or subjects, the more a student’s relative performance in related subjects and experiences foster a defensible major where the student should not only thrive, but excel and be happy!
College planning is not about college?
This concept sounds odd, but truly, cultivating a student with personal agency, an understanding of self, a resume that reflects interests and talents, and a student who performs at their best is the very definition of a student best positioned for not only college, but also life itself. It just so happens that this is the very definition of a competitive applicant. Focus on the search within to later shape the list that honors your child and helps them launch into life.
The academic roadmap is the single most important opportunity to shape student opportunity, access to better schools, and later career alignment than any other activity?
Contact us today if you are interested in understanding how we can help you make the most of your child’s education and path forward.
Are there any other quick college planning facts you want addressed?