Whether tests in Math 1 or Math 2, Regents Algebra I, or AP Calculus BC, holistic academic tutoring requires three main elements: understanding the student’s skill, determining what a student has been taught, and seeking out what a student needs to be taught. This observation ensures that academic instruction is relevant, leading toward improved grades, increased confidence, and lower stress.
Mathematics Standardized Test Prep requires that instructors understand the relationship between what students have been taught, what they remember, what they have mastered, and how all of this information is aligned to the upcoming test, whether the SAT, ACT, a Subject Test or an AP Exam. The key to higher scores on any standardized test is to master the content, that is, to know what is being asked of the student, in what format, and toward what purpose. Easy to say, and hard to do. That is why we are here. We bring decades of experience with an approach that monitors student growth over time to ensure that instruction works. By integrating instruction into our Study Skills program, we find powerful results holistically.